Example of scripting a site with PageSpinner & AppleScript |
All colors, background and layout of the pages are specified in the template files, created and edited with PageSpinner.Note: It is very important that the template files are saved as stationery files, otherwise the placeholders will be overwritten with data from the text file when the script is executed.
Tip: Select a file and use the File : Get Info menu item in Finder to access the information window where the Stationery check box can be found. It is possible to keep the Information window open while you are working with a file.The following placeholders in the templates are replaced by the script:
- $FileName$, the name of the file
- $FileContents$, the contents in the text file
- $FolderName$, the name of the folder containing the source text files
- $PS_INSERT_INDEX_BELOW$, the links to the pages in the folderThis enables you to separate the contents of the pages from most of the formatting codes, making it easy to change the look of a site without having to rely on Cascading Styling Sheets or PageSpinner Includes.
But, you can use PageSpinner Includes in both the templates and in the source text files! This will give you the option to add more advanced formatting and graphics that can be changed later by using the Update Includes in Folder script on the generated pages. You will then have the possibility to easily update the pages without having to generate them again!